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ROP Screening by Expert Retina Specialist at Vihaan Eye Care

Retinopathy of Prematurity (ROP) Management at Vihaan Retina & Eye Care Center

Retinopathy of Prematurity (ROP) is a critical eye condition that affects premature infants. At Vihaan Retina & Eye Care Center, we are committed to the early diagnosis and effective management of ROP to safeguard the vision of these vulnerable infants. Our specialized team is experienced in providing comprehensive ROP management, and here's an overview of our services:

  • Early Detection and Screening: ROP can progress rapidly, making early detection essential. We offer regular ROP screenings for premature infants to identify the condition in its early stages. Our skilled ophthalmologists utilize specialized equipment to assess the retina's development and screen for ROP risk factors.
  • Staging and Severity Assessment: ROP can vary in severity, and accurate staging is crucial for determining the appropriate treatment. Our team assesses the stage and severity of ROP and develops a personalized management plan.
  • Laser Treatment (Photocoagulation): In cases where ROP reaches a certain stage, laser treatment is often required to halt the progression of abnormal blood vessel growth in the retina. Our skilled surgeons perform laser photocoagulation with precision and care to prevent vision loss in premature infants.
  • Anti-VEGF Therapy: In some cases, anti-VEGF (Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor) therapy may be considered for ROP management. This innovative treatment can help reduce abnormal blood vessel growth and is administered by our experienced ophthalmologists.
  • Ongoing Monitoring and Follow-Up: ROP is a dynamic condition that requires continuous monitoring. We provide regular follow-up appointments to track the progress of the disease and adjust treatment as needed.
  • Multidisciplinary Care: Premature infants often require comprehensive care. We collaborate with neonatologists, pediatricians, and other healthcare professionals to ensure that infants with ROP receive holistic care that addresses their overall well-being.
  • Family Support and Education: We understand the stress and concern that ROP can cause for parents and caregivers. Our team offers emotional support and education to help families understand the condition, treatment options, and the importance of follow-up care.
  • Research and Advancements: Vihaan Retina & Eye Care Center actively participates in research and clinical trials related to ROP management. We stay informed about the latest developments and treatments to provide the best care possible.
  • Our commitment to ROP management is deeply rooted in the well-being of premature infants and their families. We have experience of screening more than 5000 premature babies for ROP, 400 ROP lasers and 100 intravitreal anti VEGF injections. Whether you are seeking care for a premature infant diagnosed with ROP or are in need of expert guidance and support, we are here to provide the highest level of care and compassion. Contact us today to schedule an appointment or to learn more about our ROP management services, and let us help protect the vision and future of these young patients.